Hello and welcome! Nice that you want to celebrate our special event with us! Here you can find the

‘Registration for the 30-9-10-Event’

We would like to emphasise once again that you are booking a "BED’ for the youth hostel and NOT rooms. The youth hostel has 3 to 6-bed rooms and we only allocate the beds. We endeavour to fulfill requests, but we would like to offer accommodation to as many participants as possible. Under the respective field you can add comments under ‘Remarks’ that should be taken into account. If you are bringing children, please contact us in advance or indicate their age in the comments field, as there is a different calculation (accommodation/catering).
You can also find your own room in the Hotel ‘Zur Mühle’, Mühlenstraße 60, 24376 Kappeln. We have reserved a contingent there until May and we have reserved campervan spaces at the nearby Aral petrol station, Eckernförder Str. 9B, 24376 Kappeln, which you can also book yourself by calling: +49 4642 81 008. Another possibility for a parking space is at ‘Ancker Yachting GmbH’, Am Hafen 23B, 24376 Kappeln, +49 4642-1563, where no reservation is possible.
Please fill in the form completely for yourself. Only the fields marked with * are optional and only to be filled in if you would like to take part in the prize draw (a surprise). The rest are mandatory fields.
In the comment field below you can register additional participants with all the details as in the form data sheet.
If you have any problems with the registration, please contact us at anmeldung@bkgermany10.de.

First name


Street and house no.



Country (NOT federal state)

Telephone number


IBAN (chargeback if necessary)


Registration fees, whereby the flat rate for catering and drinks is included.

Accommodation information: when booking a bed in the JHB, the price includes breakfast; for children, please contact us or indicate the age of the child under comments, as there is a different calculation.

* Birthday
* Year of construction of motorbike
* Licence plate number motorbike

T-shirt (30€ each) - Order:
XS-3XL in pink and light blue, XS-5XL navy and black (note: photos do not clearly show the colour). Write your wish(s) in the comments field.

-> If your size is not listed, please contact us and send us your enquiry via the comments field.

Further participant registrations with the respective dates
1.surname, 2.first name, 3.address, 4.country, 5.telephone number, 6.email, 7.club/chapter, 8.catering, 9.accommodation, 10.*birthday, 11.*year of motorbike construction, 12.*Licence plate number motorbike

Comments/further questions, etc.

Registration data is voluntary. It will be stored until the meeting and deleted no later than 14 days after the event. We guarantee careful handling of your data and will not use it for any other purpose or pass it on to third parties. From 16.08.2025, we will no longer be able to accept cancellations and amounts already paid can unfortunately no longer be refunded.

Please inform us in good time so that we can do our best to find a replacement for you.

Thank you for your understanding.